Check Out My New Home Decor Archive Sheets!

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I am excited to announce the release of my new Home Decor Archive Sheets.  

My downloadable and printable Décor Archive Sheets are the perfect (and stylish) way to keep tabs on the décor choices made for your room design.

Whenever completing a design project, one of my biggest suggestions for clients is to document the final design choices, such as vendors, paint colors, products and finishes.  The reason is ~ it’s easy to forget.

But you would be surprised how often I get calls asking what a specific design element was… sometimes YEARS later.

There have been many different occasions of clients asking if I have the info on their paint colors, wallpaper patterns, or tile source because they didn’t keep their own records and now have a leak and have to repaint, re-wallpaper or re-tile.  I’ve had clients need a few more yards of their sofa fabric because their pets or kiddos ruined the cushion fabric beyond repair, and replacing one cushion would be the most cost effective solution.  Or they want to contact the vendor who installed a certain item.  On and on it goes…

Having the info archived also makes doing a room refresh nice and easy.  You can have all your vendor and items in one place, so selecting new pillows to match your paint doesn’t require any guesswork.

So, I figured time to stop merely suggesting and make it even easier for people to document their décor choices.  You can print off as many of these sheets as you want or need.  New house?  New design? Just print a new sheet.

Feel free to use them however works best for you.  Some people use 3-ring binders, expandable folders, or plastic project pouches for each room. Some just create a folder on their computer and fill out each sheet using Acrobat Reader.  You do you!

Personally, I prefer hard copies for my own home.  I love the Sugar Paper La Perfect Binder in White but Zazzale Poppin and even Office Depot have some fun binder options too.  I just print off the sheet, quickly fill in the info, and hole-punch it or place it in a plastic sleeve. For fabric, tile samples or pain chips, I simply store them in the pouch.

Here is a quick video showing how I love to use them!

The bundle includes 6 downloadable and printable PDF’s for the following spaces:
Living Area
Dining Area

Click below to learn more!

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